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For those who are too proud to confess the things they struggle with, how immature they are in places, the things they do that they do not want to do, etc., and who seem to convince themselves that their faith is active and their fruit is bountiful and they have it all together…a word of truth forya…

You should be very afraid.

“….confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it.”

~James 5:16

Doing good? One more time....

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

~I John 1:8

And something about “bearing one another’s burdens”. How can we do that if we do not share them? Well that would be downright disobedient as well as stupid! And prideful. Will the prideful share in the Kingdom? Um…..no. Talk about stupidity! That’s following Satan, not Christ who, being God in the flesh, humbled Himself, even to death on a cross….

Open up….your brethren need your truthfulness all the way around. Let’s be bearing one another’s burdens and praying for one another. Two are better than one, and we each need that shoring up. Otherwise we will end up being enticed by or own lusts and dragged away, and no one to help us stand. We need to be open and honest about our sins and our immaturity(s) in the faith. That is a given in a marriage relationship where after God the spouse is the one we share with, but it is also commanded as well as in friendship and fellowship. Start at home, after that, the rest is, as they say, gravy. And who doesn’t like gravy?

That is one of the biggest ways we grow in Christ.

All of us! Even me!

And yes, even you… 😉